Thursday, March 5, 2009


The association "Europe needs initiative" is an independent, non-profit and non-affiliated platform. The initiative sees itself as an advocate for European citizens' direct, active participation in their European community.

The association was brought to life in 2007 by Austrian European Law expert Dr. Johannes W. Pichler. The "right of initiative", which was granted in Article 11.4 TEU (n.v.)/ Treaty of Lisbon, provides the foundation for the European citizens' initiative.

Topic Nr. 1 of our Initiative

WE-ENLARGE: We, the Europeans, are enlarging our Union!

We have led intensive group discussions with citizens in six EU member states. These discussions have shown that the future of the enlargement process is the most urgent concern for those interviewed and thus the first topic for which we are collecting the Europeans' votes.

Topic Nr. 2 of our Initiative

WE-ELECT: We, the Europeans, elect our President!

Europe needs a strong personality that gives the EU both internally and externally a "face and a voice, and with which the 500 million European citizens can identify with.
The Treaty of Lisbon therefore foresees a specific position: the President of the European Council, in short the "EU-President" (President of the European Council, art. 15.5 TEU n.v.). According to the draft treaty, the president will be appointed for two and a half years by the heads of states of the EU member states and can be re-elected once.

A EU-president directly elected by the citizens could overcome the frequently lamented gap between Brussels and its citizens. He could restore stability within EU-politics, solve conflicts between the member states and represent the EU in international relations as a strong regional power. The decision, who should fill in this important position in the future, should be decided by the European citizens.

For more information please visit

At you can vote, if you will get involved in the following two important topics:
The Europeans are enlarging their Union!
The Europeans elect their President!

Please click "Vote" and “Yes” or “No” at the “We Change Europe”-Website.